About my garden

Saturday, 8 August 2015

Blighted pototoes

The potatoes have got blight.
I noticed this one evening.

Not all the plants were affected yet. I have inherited these potatoes with the house and, having just moved here this year, I don't know the history and whether they always get blight. We have had a wet spell though, so I'm not surprised.

The next day, as soon as I had time, I cut the tops off and dug up some of the potatoes. They are fine as I had spotted it early. I've burnt the affected haulms.
Soon after, I was struck down with blight and when I next made it outside all the rest of the plants were affected.

I'm sorry about the awful pictures today. So I did the same and cut the tops off everything. 
Today I had time to go and dig up some more. They were probably ready anyway but I was hoping to dig up a few now and then, when I wanted them. They are not a bad size though. Almost all of them usable. I can't take any credit as all I have done is watch them!

 I particularly like this one!

A few pretty things to finish...
Dianthus deltoides


Echinacea. These came with me in pots. They are rather leggy but are filling out.
I am slowly filling up my new bed. My mum brings something every time she visits and I've taken to buying the sad dejected plants which are reduced in garden centres. Some of them only need some TLC to flower next year and I've got several bargains at £1 and £2. I've sown lots of seed and am taking cuttings so this time next year, I hope it will look great.

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